Commodity Option Selling is an alternative to Stock Market volatility. No matter what stocks you are in, the DOW is the tide that raises and lowers all boats.
When the stock market is sideways to bearish, finding an alternative for part of your money that doesn’t depend on the stock market averages is vital. Bear markets can last for years.
The right market analysis assists in selecting very far Out-of-the-Money strikes, many with a 95% probability of expiring worthless. Option traders are gravitating to this very selective way of selling commodity options in markets that have very little correlation to stock market trends. Read about our free offer below.
Opportunities for Option Sellers in 2019
While you are waiting for the stock market find its footing, consider diversifying some funds to a very unique type of option trading – selling commodity options. Crude Oil that dropped 30% in late 2018 is forming a new trading range.
The United States production is now #1, the largest oil producer in the world. The Saudis are now #2 – and for the first time in 70 years, the USA is a NET exporter of oil. The USA will be producing over 12 million barrels per day by mid 2019.
Three new pipelines are scheduled to be completed that will deliver USA oil from the Texas/New Mexico Permian Basin to Exporting ports in the Gulf of Mexico. Tariff negotiations are reshaping world prices in many other agricultural markets and this creates option-selling opportunities in commodities. Gold, Silver, Crude, and Soybeans are seeking a new trading ranges in 2019 and this means option-selling opportunities.
The Stock Market will continue to offer longer-term funds an opportunity for value investing in selected equities. Commodity option sellers generally seek income from shorter term strategies in the futures markets. Very often, selling strikes outside the likely trading ranges of commodities can have a very high probability of success. We have the ONLY newsletter dedicated exclusively to the purpose of teaching personal investors to sell commodity options for income.
Crude Oil: It seems very unlikely that crude oil price might rebound above 65 to 75 US$ dollars per barrel in the first half of calendar 2019. I’m currently selling selected crude options strikes at PUT options at $30 and lower a barrel and CALL options at $70 a barrel and higher.
Gold Futures: A less stable world economy is likely to create PUT selling opportunities at strikes of US$ 1100 hundred and lower. A great deal of money goes into gold when the stock market shows signs of weakness. Learn more about opportunities in these changes in our publication.
Soybean stocks are near 32-year highs and tariff negotiations have limited USA exports severely. USA farmers are expected to shift acres to corn production to compensate for the soybean glut. Brazil’s soybean harvest begins in JAN 2019, there will likely be opportunities ahead for CALL sellers in this market. The burdensome bean stocks will limit price rises in the new season. We’ll show you how to use free government reports to find opportunities with seasonal price patterns and crop trends.
The Option Income Training Bulletin is a One-of-a-Kind Newsletter
You can get immediate access to trades in Crude Oil, Gold, and Soybeans for 2019 right now. Just sign up for a free 14-Day trial (no debit or credit card required) to the Option Income Training Bulletin. This is an educational publication with its own website content for members only. You can try it free with 3 months of the most recent issues, plus two months forward – in real time.
I post my trades with charts and research, so subscribers can learn more about selling commodity options by looking over my shoulder – as I trade. Real trades in real time (same day).
This is not a trade advisory service, but a one-of-a-kind service to teach personal investors to find and use high-probability / low-delta strategies that suit their own risk tolerance and style – as they learn to trade smarter. We’ll show you how to practice and learn free – and then you decide if it’s right for you. This type of trading can be risky and is not suitable for everyone. This may be a chance for you to take your stock option trading experience into a more profitable arena.
- Read up to 3 months of the most recent issues instantly.
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- Learn with Charts of Seasonal Price Patterns and how to use fundamental trading information.
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- Weekly Trade Commentary every Monday.
Just use the button below to sign up for the free 14-day trial, including a free booklet Patterns for Profit- An Introduction to Seasonal Commodity Trading, and full access to 3 months of back issues and our Research Links Library. Sign up now, you have nothing to lose – no debit or credit card is required.