Leave Stock Market Volatility Behind by Selling Options
If you have some option trading experience, you already know that using options is a smart way to earn income. You might also know that 80% or more of options expire worthless. I can teach you how to sell commodity options with a 90 to 95% chance of expiring worthless. Pro traders do it everyday. There’s no secret to it. I’ll tell how right now.
Instead of trading stock options, try selling Commodity Options, here’s why:
- SPAN minimum margins get you MORE PREMIUM (higher ROI) than stock options
- Commodity Option values do NOT track the volatile stock market
- You trade on the physical value of the commodity, not an earnings multiple
- Ag Options have very strong Seasonal Patterns, stocks have none
- Trade on Supply-Demand Fundamentals, no guessing technical indicators
5 Parameters to Selling Commodity Options Successfully:
- Learn to Sell very far Out-of-The-Money STRIKES with over 90% chance of expiring OTM
- Select trades where Seasonal Price Trends can Lower Risk by harmonizing with Mother Nature. I’ll give you seasonal price charts.
- I’ll show you how to use FREE Data and Research from Major Ag Universities and the USDA. How to find and use USDA reports for your trading.
- Have a Predetermined Money Management Plan. It’s simple and I’ll show you how.
- Trade Online using Deep Discount Commissions for Increased Returns. How to find low commissions and all the help you need.
Get Advanced Option Trading Strategies FREE
Ultra-Low Delta/High Probability: Learn this strategy and use it for a lifetime of income. You get the most recent THREE MONTHS of my personal trades with chart and data.
No credit card, only your name and email. That’s it.
Here is a recent trade with 33% return: